
january 3.


J. came over and cooked me dinner tonight! Salmon and veggies, wrapped and baked in foil. Deeeeeeelish.

january 2.

january 2.

Back to the grind.

Went back to work after almost two weeks off today. It was a lot less brutal than I anticipated, so that’s good right? I’ve started the new year with a renewed sense of needing personal accomplishment in my life. I’m putting my goals in four categories: career, health, personal, financial. Tonight I got home late so I popped P90x yoga in, which kicked my butt. Looks like I’ll be spending some quality time with that dvd so I can master it. Maybe I’d be better at it if I stopped taking pictures during it…. 🙂

january 1.

january 1.

It’s a new year, and I feel like it’s going to be really good. Maybe it’s true that I say that every year, but I really feel like it’s going to be good.

Today was recovery from last night. I know, shocking. J and I went to the Milwaukee Art Museum with a slew of friends (Europe crew +) to ring in the new year. It was a blast, and although we drank we didn’t go overboard. After brunch we relaxed, and then went for a walk to get some fresh air.

The picture is from a pier on the lake. We try to take advantage of the lakefront while I live near it.